Gold is money ...
everything else is credit
JP Morgan
Why invest in physical gold
Paper gold or physical gold: what are the differences?
Investing in gold means bullion and coins. But the gold supply is actually wider. There are two types of gold investments: physical gold and paper gold.
Physical gold represents the most palpable precious metal; Paper gold refers to the purchase of the same metal in the form of exchange traded contracts.
In theory, the two investments are close to each other, as paper gold replicates the performance of physical gold. However, when it comes to safe haven and you are not familiar with the stock market, it is best to turn to physical gold, as paper gold carries some risks, particularly those related to the issuer of the financial product, which can , for example, going bankrupt.
How much do you earn by investing in gold?
Central banks build gold reserves, but the real economy also requires ever-increasing quantities of gold for industry, commerce, crafts and technology. Gold is also a basis for many financial products, such asETFs or ETCs.
As a result, gold is not only a highly profitable asset but is also considered a safe haven for investors.
To give some examples ofprofitability:
If you had invested in gold 5 years ago, you would have earned over 50%
If you had invested in gold 20 years ago, you would have earned over 500%
(this calculation was made in USD on 05.12.2021)
What should you pay attention to when investing in physical gold?
1. Gold certification
2. Custody
3. Method of purchase
4. Purchase value
1. Gold certification:
It is essential to buy from certified suppliers; ThereSwitzerland is the world leader in this, and in particular the Canton of Ticino has 3 of the largest in its territorygold refineriesworldwide, producing 70% of all bars worldwide .
Beware of gold coins: most of thegold coinscontains gold, and is not 999.9% refined pure gold, such as an ingot. This makes gold coins attractive to collectors, but much less safe than a bullion bar for investors!
2. Custody
Taking your gold home is certainly a pleasure, but it presents a big risk: in addition to the risks of loss and theft (expensive to insure at home), when you want to sell your gold bar, the buyer will ask for it. a certification: in the case of small ingots, the certification could be very expensive, if compared to the value of the ingot itself
3. Method of purchase
The safest way to buy gold is through regular purchases over time. this allows you to take advantage of the effect"cost averaging".
4. Purchase value
Most companies that trade gold apply an internal value, which does not always correspond to the stock market value of gold. In this way, the customer pays more for gold than he should when buying bars, and receives less than he should when selling them. This is the reason why mysbc suggest its customers to contact Resonor SA, Lugano, which applies a cost policy in complete transparency and guarantees that the value applied to the purchase and sale of gold will always correspond to the actual one. stock exchange (London fixing).
GoldSaver: the solution for small investors
If there was the possibility of buying physical gold from as little as CHF 75 .-- / month, by regularly buying ingots produced and certified in Switzerland, kept in a vault, 100% insured, would you like it? AG, Bellinzona has agreed these framework conditions for its customers in cooperation withResonor SA, Lugano. This agreement, calledGoldSaver allows you to invest profitably and securely from as low as 75 .-- CHF / month.
SmartGold L: the solution for prudent investors
If there was the possibility of buying gold bars, kept in a vault, 100% insured, also insuring your invested amount even if the stock market value of gold should go down rather than increase, would you like it? AG, Bellinzona has agreed these framework conditions for its customers in cooperation withResonor SA, Lugano that allow such an insured investment starting from the purchase of 100 grams. This agreement, calledSmartGold L allows you to invest in a highly PROFITABLE asset with 100% GUARANTEED capital already starting from just over 5000 .-- CHF.
ForewardGold: the solution for qualified investors
Imagine owning a gold mine, or making an agreement with a gold mine to buy gold directly in the mine and then have your gold refined and melted into certified ingots in Switzerland, would that be interesting?
It would of course be the most convenient way to acquire gold bars; but you will understand that the investment to be able to operate is of several million CHF. SA, Bellinzona has agreed attractive framework conditions for its customers in cooperation withResonor SA, Lugano. This agreement, possible in different variants, calledForewardGold, allows you to buy gold directly in the mine, but with the guarantee of Resonor SA that whatever happens to the mine (political risk, risk of the profitability of the mine) your gold bar will come to you delivered in any case at the set price .
This agreement allows you to purchase your gold at an average discount of 25% ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
This deal is available to qualified investors (starting from 300 grams of gold).